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Common Iliac Artery Endarterectomy | Short video
Femoral Endarterectomy for Severe Peripheral Arterial Disease
Internal Iliac Artery
Endarterectomy Treatment
Lower Limb Arteries Overview - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
Circulatory System | Arteries of the Lower Limb | Flow Chart
Peripheral Artery Disease Angioplasty
Common Iliac Artery Stenting: Stent Choice & Hidden Consequences!!!
Peripheral Vascular Disease balloon stent by Gore Medical
External Iliac Artery Balloon Angioplasty and Stenting (Alan B. Lumsden, MD, M. Mujeeb Zubair, MD)
Embolization of Internal Iliac artery & VBX stent graft for Common Iliac artery Aneurysm & occlusion
Voyage Through the Veins: An Animated Exploration of Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting